1) 60 min.s The U.S. Economy, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, and the Markets
2) 45 min.s Technical Analysis for Trading Stocks and Cryptos: Use the MACD
Moving Average Convergence Divergence before placing sell trades.
3) 90 min.s Akkadian Cuneiform and Hieroglyphics Tell Us More
Than the Hebrew Bible Does Alone.
The Rosetta Stone was deciphered 1822. Akkadian Cuneiform was deciphered in the 1850s-1860s.
Instead of relying solely on the Hebrew Bible, by 1935 and the death of Henry James Breasted who translated Ancient Egyptian Records into English, and by 1934 and the death of E.A. Wallis Budge who translated the Book of the Dead by into English in 1895, a more accurate picture of ancient history would have been available to us under the title, The Post-Rosetta Stone Perspective of the Bible.
Instead of relying solely on the Hebrew Bible, by 1989, with the translation of Atrahasis into English from Akkadian Cuneiform (and by 1928 with the translation of Gilgamesh into English from Akkadian Cuneiform), a more comprehensive account of human creation and flood stories would have been available to us under the title, The Post-Akkadian Cuneiform Perspective of the Bible.
Instead of relying solely on the Hebrew Bible, by 1992, with the translation of the Amarna Letters into English from Akkadian Cuneiform, a more accurate picture of ancient history would have been available to us under the title, The Post-Akkadian Cuneiform Perspective of the Bible.
4) 90 min.s Josephus Criticizes the Apostle Paul and What That Means
for the Historical Accuracy of the New Testament.
The picture at left is "The Death of the Consul Decius" by Peter Paul Rubens.